Business Process Improvement

  Is your business operating at peak performance?

Do you have peace of mind that you effectively manage the vulnerabilities of your company?

Do your customers receive quality products and services, all the time?

Do your leaders  support the same vision and goal for the company? 

Do you have the right culture  to support your goals? 

Inahsak Consulting
Management Consulting
Six Sigma / Process Assessment 
COVID-19 Concerns
All Inahsak consulting personnel adhere to local and national protocols for safe work practices.

All tools and consulting methods are effectively designed for both virtual and remote support with same results as if onsite, if needed.

Oil & Gas Industry
GE Energy (France)
Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands & Canada)
Atlantic LNG (Trinidad & Tobago)
Husky Energy (USA & Canada)
Cenovus Energy (USA & Canada)

Verizon Wireless (USA)
Vodafone UK
Du (UAE based telco)
HCL (telco auditing services)

Financial Services
DVB Bank (Germany)
GE Capital (USA)
SWIFT (Belgium/KL/USA)

Supply Chain / Logistics
Tejari Inc (UAE e-commerce exchange)
Global eXchange Services (USA)
CVRD (Brazil ship, rail & truck logistics)

Monaco Challenge
Your business operates within three core processes:

  1. DESIGN a product or service
  2. SELL a product or service
  3. SUPPORT a product or service after the sale

Every employee contributes to a core business process. Your policies, culture, and business processes are critical factors that can create or reduce business risk.

Do your employees understand how the work they do affects risk? 

Process shortcuts, rushed projects, and even rogue nonstandard workflows might be hidden in profits, and yet greatly increasing your risk for a business transforming event.

Inahsak provides rapid process assessment of any business process, any division, any industry. 


A process assessment approach prevents stagnation in your industry. The method takes time to:

  • identify what already works well, your best practices;
  • determine reputational risks and operational vulnerabilities;
  • understand realistic capabilities of your business; and
  • recommend practical solutions that support your goals.  


If you are serious about continuously improving and growing your business, it is critical to have a realistic view of current capabilities.


A typical engagement lasts less than three months, resulting in an intense understanding of the capability of your current operations, drives consensus into your organisation, and recommends key improvements that will drive your business towards peak performance.


The best part is that your organisation does not have to be Six Sigma certified in order to benefit from Lean Six Sigma consulting.  Inahsak is experienced in applying this proven methodology without disrupting operations, and bringing about rapid and sustainable continuous improvement.

Contact us now, and let us discuss with you how you can discover a better, more effective way to grow your business.

Risk and Security – do you need to worry?

Business Process Compromise (BPC) is a type of attack that has become more prevalent in recent years, and is on the rise. This attack targets unique processes or machines that support activities that have vulnerable or inconsistent practices, weak or obsolete system structures, or operational gaps. When these weaknesses are found, the attacker changes a part of the process without the client noticing the change. Usually, a victim organisation thinks everything is proceeding as normal while the attacker is already securing funds or products from the company. It is important to have an assessment of your critical business processes to know the extent of the vulnerabilities, the probability of abuse, and the impact should an incident occur.

Quality and Reputation – are you willing to risk yours?

How important is quality and reputation to your business? Quality is measured in the eyes of your customer and the public. Recall the old marketing adage, that a customer having one bad experience will tell nine people, while a customer having a good experience might tell one other person about it. That marketing rule was established well before the days of internet blogs, smart phones, and the scores of social networking sites that can spread news, both good and bad, with lightening speed. What is the impact on your reputation if you deliver defects to your customers? What is the impact if you lose critical data, funds, or if the public realized that your processes have been operating with known vulnerabilities for years? The online media markets are ready to report any breaches or defects in your operational methods, even to disclose weaknesses that have not yet been compromised. Process assessment techniques will allow you to measure and track the risks within your operations, and make informed decisions for solutions to close those gaps. 

People – your strongest and weakest asset

We have all heard that it is the process, not the people, that causes delay, waste, risk, and other quality impairments in business today. However, we have seen that processes get compromised, and the people in your business could be the best line of defense to identify those weaknesses. Do you encourage sharing and feedback of key ideas to strengthen the way you work? Do people just do what they have always done, without encouraging innovation or new ideas from every level? Your business is full of capable people – and they know the details and nuances that could become a core strength or a gaping weakness in your operations. The business process consulting approach allows your most valuable asset, your employees, to participate and share their insight to daily operations in order to ensure you have the best view on how your company operates.